1 day left before a week of Chinese New Year Holiday.
This is the longest week for me, it has been really hard these day.
Migraine sucks but anxiety was even harder to handle I swear.
Even the sky was crying non-stop for the past few days and since today the weather is pretty good I guess I should stop too. What's happening to me? I kept on saying that to myself that I have no reason to be sad at all but I just can't hide the facts that something bothers me and it feels sucks.The only thing I want to do is to cry and maybe roll on the bed all day. You know how it feels right?
11.00 a.m 25th of January 2017
I hope today will be better than before. I hope I can improve myself to be a better person.
I hope who ever crosses my mind will be granted Jannah since it's the best dua someone could pray for you. I hope who ever thinks of me will forgive whatever sins I did to them and pray the best for me.
I hope the upcoming day will be days where Allah bless my family, friends,teachers and also myself. I hope whoever in pains right now will realize that Allah will help them as long as the seek for Him. I hope whoever feels lonely right now, Allah will send someone to them and comforts them.It may be whoever that Alah redha to be with them. They should know that Allah is always be with them because in the end it is going to be you and Allah only. I hope whoever smiling and had a good day today will kept on have a good day because there are no reasons for you to be sad. I hope whoever are sick or have people around them that are sick will be granted with a good health. Remember that Allah gives you sickness because he loves you. He wants to lessen your sins. I hope whoever stops praying or takes praying to Allah carelessly will be gifted with taufiq and hidayah from Allah Taala. Please do not miss your prayers just because you think that you did too much sins and you don't deserve a forgiveness. No, never give up. Keep on trying, whoever you are, I will support you to go back to our Creator even if the people around you don't. I hope whoever thinks of convert into Islam will do so because Islam is a beautiful and calm religion, please muslims are human too we make mistakes but Islam has no flaws at all. I hope girls who fall in love but the time hasn't come yet please take care of your hearts and your pride. Your parents took care of you all your life not to let your heart breaks by a guy who you just met. Remember that your family loves you so much that's why the stops you from doing so many things that they think might hurts you. When the right time comes, congratulation, please be happy and be a good wife. I hope boys stops playing with any girl feelings and be a good and righteous man for your family and yourself. You are a future leader for your country or the least to your family. You don't want some guy hurts your sisters or daughters don't you. I believe in you guys, your family believes in you that is why they didn't stop you a lot like they did to their daughters because they knew you can take care of yourself. Last but not least, it's okay to cry to make you feel better then sleep and the by the time you wake up, smile,bring back the positivity and have faith in Allah.
Thank you, please forgive me and pray for me. Assalamualaikum.